Wednesday, January 26, 2011

User Client Needs

User Needs: Patients will receive a nourishing atmosphere for spiritual growth, interactive space for fitness, comfortable areas for therapy, and educational classrooms.

Client's Needs: The Center for Mind, Body, and Spirit is setting up affiliate centers across the nation. Baton Rouge is included in the list of cities they want to reach. The center will focus on holistic wellness and include services that empower individuals to live in balance and understanding that optimizes health, enhances well-being, and prevents disease.

Problem Statement

In an increasingly complex and depersonalized world, how to live with more balance and harmony is a key question for most of us. Somewhere in all the noise and stress of our lives we crave moments of peace, simplicity, beauty and meaning. We yearn to feel connected to community, nature, and spirit. We should influence and teach our children and the people around us how to take care and nourish ourselves. Now more than ever, statistics are showing people are staying indoors more and having less physical interaction and therefore are less healthy, overweight, sicker and redistributing their stress to others. With the economic problems today, many people may not see this holistic approach as paramount, but if the public does not embrace the idea of a healthy well-being, they may seek other methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The proposal of a center where health and education are main goals and the secondary goals are mental, physical, and spiritual wellness would aid the public in helping themselves and in turn help more people in the future. The chosen building for the mental, physical, and spiritual center for well-being has windows that wrap around the entire building, so manipulating the natural daylight will become a challenge. Lighting design is a focus for the proposal, creating ethereal lighting for the sacred space is vital to the spiritual atmosphere and experience. Promoting sustainable building practices is an important focus for the particular space.

Introduction to Study

Green Sphere is a destination where everyone is welcome. Peoples of different backgrounds, ethnicity's, religious beliefs, sex, gender, and race make up our world, our countries, our states and our communities. Others are important for us to appreciate and receive different perspectives toward life to grow and change. Green Sphere offers Baton Rouge a sanctuary for learning, evolving, relaxing and interacting. Green Sphere is also a center for spiritual growth, an oasis to replenish the body, the mind and the spirit. The center includes a chapel, reading room and meditation garden for those wanting to connect with a higher power or enjoy quiet time. Studios for dance, yoga and fitness classes are included in the space along with activity rooms. Retail space and a café serving healthy and locally grown organic drink are available. Individual, couples, and group therapy will be offered as well as health exams, nutrition classes and childcare. The exterior landscape will facilitate outdoor activities, contemplation and community.
The facility will incorporate a ”well building” approach using environmentally friendly, non-toxic, natural materials where possible and incorporating sustainable building principles. Natural day lighting and ethereal lighting is a focus for the entire building.